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We're Hiring!

Equal Voice is seeking an experienced professional to grow Equal Voice and help us fund our work of electing more women and gender diverse people to all levels of political office in Canada. With experience in corporate fundraising, business development, government relations and relationship building, the Corporate Sponsorship and Stewardship Lead is a key position on the Equal Voice team. We are looking for someone to step in to continue to maintain and grow our capacity.

Happy Work-Anniversary: What I’ve learned in my first year at Equal Voice

Chi Nguyen – Executive Director

A personal and professional reflection: a year ago today, I stepped into my dream role at Equal Voice. Our work at Equal Voice is to elect, support and retain women and gender diverse people in Canadian politics. As a lifelong champion of women’s leadership and democracy, I could not have imagined a better place to show up to every day.

Here are some lessons that have emerged for me over this past year – that I’ll continue to carry forward.

Francyne D. Joe: before Reconciliation, we need to reach the truth

For the third year, the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation – also commemorated as Orange Shirt Day – has been observed on September 30. For some Canadians, this may be a controversial holiday. However, I believe that if each and every Canada resident  take a moment to consider how this day, and the reason for it, impacts Indigenous people in Canada, anyone can see its importance.

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